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Explore the power beneath your own physicality. What you can Rely on is the Self-Cure Systems hidden in your own Body. Experience this unique -Zen- Exercise.
- Quick Vitzalizing Zen Exercise "Zen Dance" : Basic & Best Exercises You need to know Now-
-What You Will Learn?-
Vitalizing Zen Exercises made of simple Breath & Movements.
Important "Mindsets" which transform your easy Exercises into great Zen Exercises.
Exercises which strengthen your own self healing system.
Several important tips and details to guide your training into success.
Video Content
Introduction 0:00-
Short Guidance 1:28-
Several Important Mindsets 4:46-
Zen Exercise "Let's get started" 7:22-
Breath Exercises 9:39-
Swinging Exercises 13:37-
Breath Exercise with twisted Spine 19:04-
Circulation Exercise 20:02-
Exercise for strengthening lower center"Dantian" 21:57-
Standing Zen 28:02-
Movement Zen " Zen Dance" 29:42-
Closing 32:45-
Extra Details & Advices 33:53-
Getting back to your physicality.
as Injury prevention Exercise.
Improvement for Yoga and Martial Arts.
30 days Money Back Guarantee.
It's a simple and easy way to stay healthy.
If you find a method that works for you and keep repeating it on a regular basis,
you will definitely see positive changes in both your mind and body.
If you find one of the exercises presented here that you like and that works for you,
it will become a living method of health that will protect your body for the rest of your life.
I know when you take action, you’ll get result, Click the Button Below to get your Class, You`ll be glad you did.
About the Trainer
Yuki Takk is Professional Performance Artist & Trainer for Performing Arts such as Ballet, Contemporary Dance / Martial Arts such as Jiujutsu, Judo, and Zen Exercises.
Born in Japan, grown up in USA, Japan, and Germany. He Completed his professional Stage Performance Training in Folkwang University of Arts In Essen in Germany.
Since 2008 active as a Freelance Stage Performer. He worked in one of the best theaters in Europe, such as Theatre de la Ville in Paris, further more in different countries such as France, Spain, Mexico, Netherland, Japan, and Germany.
Great Interests in Improving physical maneuver, mobility, stability, and common principles of different performing Arts / Martial Arts.
Don`t miss this out. Let's Train Together!
-Limited Time Offer-